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Frequently Asked Questions


Is the program really free?

There are no enrollment fees when you sign up. There is no cost for the uniform. There are no weekly/monthly dues that are required to be paid. We provide free and safe transportation to all cadet functions that are not in Estevan, SK. All supplies needed for training is provided through funding of the DND. Meals are provided during weekend exercises.

We send out kit lists required by the cadet for all cadet activities. Most items you already own (ex: winter clothes, sports clothes).

Once in a while we ask the cadets to provide their own lunch during day training. Same food you would give for lunch at school is best.

We also offer a canteen to purchase their own snacks during free time

We do a few fundraisers every year to help keep this program as free as possible. There are no mandatory fundraisers, but the more cadets/parents that participate the easier it is for everyone. We help set up for legion functions, provide flag party or band players for events and we sell raffle tickets.


Can we come see what the program is about?

Of course you can! We welcome anyone and everyone to come see what we do. We do not give a formal tour at dedicated times, but if you come at the beginning of the night (6:30-6:45 Tuesday Nights) we gladly give a small tour of our facilities and answer any questions you may have.  If your child wishes to participate in one night to experience it first hand, we ask that you arrive early so they can be introduced to the staff. There is no cost. We can also provide the enrollment forms should you choose to join.


Is there a cutoff for enrollment?

Our cadet year begins in September with the standard school year. We receive the bulk of our enrollment then during City Wide Registration in the fall. However, we do accept applications during any time of the year. Please note: In order to be considered for summer camp, they must be enrolled prior to March 31.


What if my child is turning 12 soon?

Because of insurance and safety, we cannot take on children younger than 12. In order to be considered for summer camp, they must be enrolled prior to March 31. Please contact us to determine when the best time to enroll would be.


What if my child is older than 12, can they still join?

We have an accelerated program based on the children's age and maturity level that will ensure each child is being taught at the proper level. Summer camps also have programs to train older cadets together. We take on any children between the age of 12-18.


When my child joins cadets, do they become a part of the military?

Cadets are not members of the Canadian Forces (CF) and will not be expected to join at any time. We do train at several Canadian Force Bases and special instructors are called upon from the primary and reserve forces. We educate and promote an interest in the CF, but cadets will never be forced to join. When a senior cadet goes to summer camp as a staff cadet they will be issued a Service Number (SN) that would be used if they continued as a CIC or joined the CF.


What if my child has a physical or mental disability?

Cadets are motivated to improve their physical fitness. There is no minimum standard required for enrollment and it is up to the Commanding Officers discretion. Please note there are minimum medical fitness standards for acceptance to Summer Camps and Expedition Programs.


Is attendance to all activities mandatory? My child is involved with other extracurricular activities that may conflict.

None of our activities are mandatory. We do not penalize a child for failing to attend an activity. We understand that life happens and sometimes you can't make it. We recommend to attend as much as possible to learn as much as possible. We consider attendance along with attitude and ability when reviewing for promotions and special opportunities.  All we ask is you let us know if you cannot attend, so arrangements can be made and the cadet will be marked as excused, rather than absent.


My child only wants to be involved in the Marksmanship Program, do they have to do the rest?

Just like school, the Cadet Program provides basic fundamental lessons to all cadets to help them advance in the program equally. We begin with the mandatory lessons like Drill, Map & Compass, Camping, Hiking, Leadership, and Physical Fitness (To name a few areas). After that we offer optional programs that you can participate in if you want to (ex: Band Program, Range Team, Biathlon Team).  You are not required to be apart of these optional programs in order to advance through the Cadet Program.


We are moving to/from Estevan and wish to transfer Cadet Units, what must we do?

We are happy to see cadets continue in the cadet program. Transferring between units is easy to do. Just notify your Commanding Officer of where and when you wish to transfer. They will complete the necessary paperwork required for the relocation. They will let you know if you need to surrender any uniform pieces back to the local supply officer. They will also give you any contact information if you are unsure where to go.


What about the Air/Sea Cadets? Can my child switch elements?

Army cadets work parallel to the Air and Sea Cadets with many of the same basic lessons (ex: drill, marksmanship). The Air Cadets focus more on flying and the Sea Cadets focus more on sailing. Switching elements is actually the same as transferring cadet units (Please see question above).


My child is anxious about going to summer camp, do they have to go?

Please see the Summer Camp Program (click here) to see what Summer Camp is all about.  Summer camps are not mandatory, in fact, there is limited space. Cadets who attend summer camp are more likely to be promoted or offered exchanges when they become senior cadets. Our first General Training course for green stars is only 2 weeks long. We do have ways to help homesickness and parents are more than welcome to visit during the summer.


Do I have to do anything as a parent?

In the cadet program we try to encourage independence even at the age of 12. The cadet is responsible for passing along information on activities, showing up with the proper equipment, and preparing for lessons. We usually ask parents to sign permission forms so they are aware of our activities, what's involved, and when drop off and pick up times are. If a cadet is unable to attend an activity, we would appreciate a message from the parent , so the cadet can be marked as excused, rather than absent. We would greatly appreciate parents to be involved in the sponsoring committee to help with fundraising. Please contact our Sponsor Committee Rep (click here) for more information.


I have a question about an event/activity, who do I talk to?

We have several methods of getting information out for activities/events. For a quick reference, please see our Events Page.  Firstly, we hand out our Cadet Calendar at the beginning of the year that has all our cadet events. Then again at the beginning of every month we hand out the Monthly Calendar digitally on Remind and our Facebook Group Page. Once we get closer to activity we hand out a permission form and a kit list.  It is the cadets responsibility to ensure these handouts are making it home.

If you are missing information for an event, please contact the Training Officer (click here) and they will gladly send the required info.


Who do I talk to about Summer Camp Information?

Please talk to our Administration Officer (click here) for any information regarding Summer Camp. They can send you camp application and let you know if you need any other forms. Once the cadet has been chosen for camp, the Administration Officer will ensure that all Joining Instructions, transportation timings and forms are forwarded to the cadet and parents.


My child has outgrown part of their uniform, what do we do?

As soon as a cadet feels like a uniform piece needs to be replaced, we ask that the cadet bring the piece to the next Tuesday training night. Let the Supply Officer (click here) know and they can exchange a piece. Never throw out a uniform piece.


I have a complaint, who do I talk to?

We strive to give the cadets the best experience in the cadet program with the resources we have.  If you feel you need to address an issue, we ask that you speak directly to our Commanding Officer (click here). The Commanding Officer will ensure that the issue is dealt with promptly.


My child will be turning 19 soon, what do we do?

Firstly, we have immense pride when a cadet completes the program, congratulations! The cadet must speak with the Supply Officer to see if any of the uniform and/or kit needs to be surrendered. The cadet may request a copy of their personnel file from the Administration Officer, it will be useful for resume and job applications to have this knowledge on hand. We keep the original file.

At our ACR we commend these cadets and they are awarded a certificate of completion by the Commanding Officer.

If they wish to continue to be involved with the Cadet Program, they may apply either as a CIC/CI/TV and become an instructor.  Please speak to the Commanding Officer to see if there are any available positions.


My child wishes to quit the Cadet Program, what must we do?

We are always sad to see a cadet leave the program, but we understand that sometimes these hard decisions must be made. We ask that the cadet and the parent speak to the Commanding Officer about the intent to leave the program. They cadet will also have to surrender all kit they were issued.  The cadet may request a copy of their personnel file, but we keep the original on file in case they wish to return at a later date.


Will they have to join the military when they turn 19?

No, cadets do not have to join the military when they turn 19. We do train at several Canadian Force Bases and special instructors are called upon from the primary and reserve forces. We educate and promote an interest in the Canadian Forces (CF), but cadets will never be forced to join. If a cadets wishes to enroll in the CF, their cadet record and knowledge will be an asset for basic training.


Didn't find your answer?

We encourage cadets to come see us if/when they have a question.  As a parent you can contact us through the usual channels.

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